In Cusco they joke that there’s more dogs than humans and there might actually be some grain of truth at the base of that humor. They are everywhere; in varying breeds and degrees of health. But when it comes to Peru, Lima is the city of cats.
Kennedy Park
If your passion also sways more towards the felines then you might want to head to Lima and specifically to Kennedy Park (Parque Kennedy) in the Miraflores district. There you’ll see, probably, the most cats you’ve ever seen in a public park.
Happy and Healthy
There’s loads of them; big fluffy, healthy, well cared for cats dotted all over the various green spaces. At the time of my visit, they were doing what cats do best, sleeping. In that completely, happy-with-life way they have. All curled up, nose snuggly tucked under folded legs. And all are well sated, if the recycled takeaway food containers, full of cat food, are anything to go by.
Cat Loving Park History
Cats have been living in this park for 25 years and for the last 20 of those have been the recipients of a lot of care and attention from loving supporters. These lucky moggies are descendants of feral communities but a lot more of them are domestic cats which are abandoned on a daily basis.
They are provided food, vaccinations and treatment for parasites. And in the case of the domestic ones, orphaned out to carefully vetoed, deserving owners after any injuries and sicknesses have been treated.
The wonderful supporters have managed to find owners for over 1200 cats to date and there are weekly adoption campaigns most weekends.
Life Is Tough
Still, life is not easy for these lovable wise creatures, even with their devoted supporters. They are, after all, living outdoors. Through Lima’s very cold and damp winters where they are susceptible to injury and infectious diseases that indoor cats cats are much less susceptible to.
Between them, the cats at Kennedy Park consume 25 kilos of food a day.
If you want to help, have some love and support to give?
Here’s how….
For information:
You can either phone: +51 997113037 or email:
Facebook has some videos created by visitors to Kennedy Park.
There are also many videos and information on Youtube.
To make donations of support:
Account Name: Asociacion Grupo Voluntaria de Defensa Felina Parque Miraflores
Bank Name: Interbank
Account Number: 107-305558233-9
IBAN Number: 003-107-013055582339-07
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